大马还是有不少青年才子的,近期网传一位 24 岁的年轻人单用 RM400 创业!在短短的近半年内业绩达到 RM11 万,也太厉害了吧。而且,他还善用人工智能 AI ChatGPT 想品牌名,还用了 Canva 来设计商标!
▼ 他让 ChatGPT 帮他想 10 个有关驱蚊产品的品牌名字!
这位 24 岁的年轻人在 TikTok 上分享自己 5 个月呆在房间创业的经历,让人惊呆的是他只用短短的近半年达到了约 RM11 万的业绩。
他表示自己一开始先在 Facebook Ads Library 和 TikTok 创意中心找灵感!当看见吸引他的产品时,就会到阿里巴巴网站去搜同款!
最后,他在将近半年的时间里达到了约 RM11 万的业绩,净赚 33%!在他分享这段「创业经历」后,不少网友对他的「无私」分享表示感谢,也有不少人请教他关于创业的秘诀。
▼ 看了的确能激励人心!
▼ 完整教程
@bryanlowwww 9 Steps to make RM100k in your bedroom SHARE and SAVE For Later Step : Inspiration - TikTok Creative Center and Facebook Ad Library are my favs. - Use ad and keywords inspiration to learn more about your competitors. Step : Product Sourcing - My favourite sourcing platform is 1688.com. - Use my Winning Product Criteria when choosing a product: Wow factor Mass appeal + evergreen High perceived value + high margin Scalable - able to sell RM100k per month Step : Offer Creation/Pricing - Make sure to create a different angle when it comes to creating a compelling offer. Step : Target Audience - Be precise, be accurate, so your message will be accurate and straight to your audience. Step : Get a Brand Name and a Logo - Tools: ChatGPT, Canva Step : Create an Ecom Website - So your customers able to select the product and checkout right away anytime 24/7. Step : Ad Creation - Create 3 ads yourself (or outsourcing) for testing - Take a screenshot of the video Step : Run Ads - Meta and TikTok ads are my top 2 preferences as for now. - Understand where your audience congregate, and run ads directly to them. Step : Fulfillment - I use EasyParcel for all of my order fulfilment. - Simply create an account and top up and you’re good to go! If you enjoy content like this, join me @bryanlowwww for more tips! Lemme know if you have any questions in the comment section!
Chill Vibes - Tollan Kim